Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

It's that time of year when we reflect on the past year and look hopefully to the coming one. Some of us make resolutions to make fantastic changes such as lose weight, quit smoking (if you do) work out more, or maybe pay off debts, or maybe just be a better person in general.
I don't usually make resolutions, but instead reflect on a few things I want to work on. Mine is my health. I have so many health issues and I am determined to help myself get better. Be my own health advocate as it were. I bought several new books to read and educate myself on making some changes towards better health. I need to learn what foods to eat, what supplements to take and what exercises for my condition. I am very tired of not feeling well and being sick. I am willing to do the work involved to move towards wellness. I think my very life may depend on it.

Love you...mean it,

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